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News — heating

Secret to a warm, soft-glowing fire? Finding the right firewood

Posted by Hartnett Products on

Secret to a warm, soft-glowing fire? Finding the right firewood

Gathering before a wood fire can be an especially sweet time for family and friends, but the firewood you choose can determine whether you have the soft-glow of a warm fire or a hissing, smoky mess. Hard, dense wood is better than soft wood, and properly seasoned, dried wood is a must for a decent fire. It takes 12 months for firewood to be air-dried and fully seasoned. Green wood, that is, wood that is not sufficiently seasoned, will not burn efficiently, producing less heat and more smoke. Check out the full article here:

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Very good article here about the right kind of wood to burn

Posted by Claire Hartnett on

Check out this article on burning the right kind of wood to maximise efficiency from your fuel.

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Wood Energy

Posted by Hartnett Products on Some interesting reading here:  Wood has been used by man as an energy source since the earliest times.  The wood and charcoal that were once used extensively as fuel for cooking and heating have today largely been replaced by the more convenient energy sources of oil, gas and electricity. Wood, however, continues to be a major source of energy for developing countries but in recent years it is also being increasingly used in Ireland. This increased demand is due to an awareness of the need to use sustainable, renewable energy sources to provide security of supply and also to...

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Wood is a Renewable Energy

Posted by Hartnett Products on

An interesting read

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Log Splitting Season

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Log Splitting Season

The log splitting season is well and truly here and now is the best time to start sawing up your wood and splitting it into firewood for burning next winter.  As Game of Thrones likes to remind us "Winter is coming!".  Ideally, a chainsaw for very large wood lengths and a petrol log saw bench for anything under 10.5 inches in diameter.  Using the petrol saw bench makes sawing your wood much easier and safer.  You can accurately measure the length of each log with the telescopic arm measure on the saw.  The Hartnett Petrol Log Saw is one of...

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