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News — fireplace

Benefits of using a log splitter

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Benefits of using a log splitter

During winter, it becomes important to keep your home and yourself warm. Using firewood in a wood-burning stove for keeping your house warm is a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution. In comparison to oil, gas and electricity, wood is way cheaper and being carbon-neutral it is friendly for environment too. In order to use your maximise your wood-burning stove, you would need to have a store of logs split ahead of time so that they are seasoned and ready to burn. To get the job of splitting logs done using less time and energy, a log splitter is the most beneficial tool. This tool offers convenient splitting and...

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Secret to a warm, soft-glowing fire? Finding the right firewood

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Secret to a warm, soft-glowing fire? Finding the right firewood

Gathering before a wood fire can be an especially sweet time for family and friends, but the firewood you choose can determine whether you have the soft-glow of a warm fire or a hissing, smoky mess. Hard, dense wood is better than soft wood, and properly seasoned, dried wood is a must for a decent fire. It takes 12 months for firewood to be air-dried and fully seasoned. Green wood, that is, wood that is not sufficiently seasoned, will not burn efficiently, producing less heat and more smoke. Check out the full article here:

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Check our our 12Ton PTO Log Splitter

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Check our our 12Ton PTO Log Splitter

Brand new 12 Ton PTO Driven Log Splitter from Hartnett Products.  Get chopping that wood now for next winter.  Give your firewood every chance to be well dried out and correctly seasoned in time for those cold winter nights.  This log splitter will chop your logs easily - you will have a shed full of ready to burn logs in no time at all.  And then you can sit back and relax and look forward to watching it keep you warm in the stove during the winter.  The sunny weather is ideal now for getting your logs nicely dried out.

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Photos from Ploughing 2017

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Photos from Ploughing 2017


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Heating Your Home with a Wood Burning Stove

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Heating Your Home with a Wood Burning Stove

Heating your home with firewood offers many benefits.  Whether firewood is your main or secondary heating source, choosing the right stove to burn it in is important.  First, decide if you want the stove to heat just one room or the entire house and then do some research as to what products are available and the costs.  In our experience some of the things to consider when installing a stove are: Make sure that it’s “mouth” or “belly” is big enough to take logs. Look at your house with a fresh pair of eyes. Maybe a stand-alone stove in your...

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