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Alternatives to burning agricultural green waste

Posted by Hartnett Products on

Since November of 2023, farmers must consider alternative sustainable management practices for agricultural green waste.


In the letter sent to farmers, the Department of Agriculture outlines how the volume of green waste generated on farm can be reduced, the ways in which this waste is generated and alternative uses for the material.

The department noted that leaving the “green material” in place and not removing it “may be the best option”.

“In the past, this may have been viewed as untidy or unsightly but attitudes and policy are changing regarding biodiversity and habitats,” it said.

The department offered the following suggestions as sustainable alternative management and uses for agricultural green waste:

  • Regular flailing of hedgerows;
  • Nature pile and biodiversity habitats;
  • Animal bedding material and composting;
  • Fuel for off-farm energy generation (woodchip) where there is a large volume of green waste;
  • Firewood for on-farm use;
  • Biochar production.

DAFM said that financial support is available to farmers for biomass chipping equipment to process green waste on farms.

Under the new Targeted Agriculture Modernisation Scheme (TAMS 3) grants can be provided to farmers for a wood/biomass drying shed and for power take-off (PTO)-driven wood/biomass chipper equipment.

PTO Driven Wood Chippers are available to buy from Hartnett Products Cork.  Full range of PTO Wood Chippers for sale can be seen here on this link:

What are the alternatives to burning agricultural green waste?


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